My Internship (Part I)
Written by: Randy MS
Date: 24/9/2021
This is the first of several posts of my experience in my internship.
Disclaimer: for personal and security reasons, in these posts I will avoid naming the company and my colleagues; technology and tools used; projects' details and any other technical as legal information.
It all began in the early months of the 2021. I can remember as vividly as if it happened yesterday. Two of my best friends and I decided to take a tour to visit the Parque Eólico de Santa Ana. Magically, it was a free day for the three of us and decided to have a day for ourselves. On our way, we bought snacks, some drinks, prepare the beach chairs and the music. After managing to get all the to the top, our smiles were erased. It became cloudy and, to our misfortune, it rain.
We drove our the way down and began to Google and Waze were we could spend the day. The weather was the same, nothing change to our luck. With our joy below the grown, we decided to drive back home to Tres Ríos. At least we enjoy nice chats and good music while trying to enjoy the day in the car in the way back. Near home, we found a small spot near a friend's house. With no people around, we made place ours. We were lucky that our friend saw the car on the park on the street in front of her house and call us. She wanted to see!
She had recently arrived from Germany, after finishing her thesis work. So, she was eager to see and hug us. Our afternoon, became a really happy and emotional one. We haven't spend together and share as we did that day in many, many years before. So, it became kind of special. We talk about our careers, life, love, jobs, families, expectations... anything you may talk about when you are leaving the early 20s.
One conversation that I remember clearly enough, was about jobs. What comes after the university? One my friends (who was already working) said he has been offered several positions at different companies. I was surprised!
I ask him:
How? What did you do? You're so lucky!
He reply:
He later explained that he just filled his profile with everything he knew and had done so far. He added that recruiters like to see what else you may offer, besides your study and experience in the field you are applying for. It marked me, I knew that I have to expanded myself in order to look for new opportunities. So, I did it! I don't remember exactly when I opened my LinkedIn profile, but it was the following days, after having this conversation.
As soon as I finish filling it up, I felt it look so empty. Nothing special. No shiny or attractive details that highlighted me. So, I created this website and share it there! But still, it was missing something. I began learning and studying more, in order to show off new skills. I began hearing podcast about tech and following the big names in the development area (what I call the A-List which are YouTubers, bloggers, master and developers that I really admire). I was starting to forget why I was learning and investigating for, and just let myself be driven by the desire to truly learn and improve myself.
After I while doing projects, tuning up this website, studying and doing small labs, I knew it was time to leave my little room. I wanted a place were I could learn at the same time I gained real working experience. I began to apply for position for initiated programmers. It was hard, at the beginning. Companies want people with experience, with some baggage of work. The one thing that I needed to be taken into consideration is the only thing I was looking for. Oh, irony! Most of my applications were denied or ignore. Just before all hope were lost... I found it!
It was a common night, I was dinning and looking at Facebook in my phone, until a post got my attention. I remember reading the description which said something like:
We remind you that the application form for the internship program is still open until the end of the month.
Yes! They were looking someone like me. A young developer that knew the basics but with no experience. The profile of the people they wanted read: People with tons of desire to learn, gain experience and be part of production projects. I took a screenshot and save it to read it later on my computer, with my complete attention. Deeper in the night, I re-read the post, filled the form, check their website and ask the Heavens for the best. Somehow and somewhat, I felt inside me that I found the place I was looking for.
To be continued in part II.
In case you were wondering the image used above is this one. Taken from Unsplash, by James Harrison.