Welcome to my website.

Welcome to my website.

Written by: Randy MS

Date: 14/4/2021

My name is Randy and I'm the maker of this website. The picture you see above was the very first deployment of this website. Completely different to what it is today!

My main goal when I was thinking of creating this portal was to prove and show myself that I can do it, that I have I everything that I need to make it happen. So… here it is!

Also, I see this place as an opportunity to display my work. It is known that, show work, projects, scopes and achievements can be a great tool when look for new opportunities, take a look!

Let it be this one the first of many posts to come!


In case you were wondering the image used above is screenshot of the earliest design on this site. I took it the day I deploy it. How much have change ever since!